Thursday, September 10, 2015

Major Don't and Do's in Treating Exfoliative Cheilitis

I know it has been months since I updated this blog, but I would like to announce that I am now 100% cured. It took about 11 months to completely cure it. I will not lie, the first 6 months were the hardest and then it started getting better and better. I had an effective routine in place and I became less self-conscious as time went along. To those of you who are still at the beginning, surfing the web every chance you get just to get an answer, I want to tell you that it CAN be done. I wont lie, it will test you, but you will persevere.

 I have had a couple of requests to post pics. I am sure this will happen soon. I just have to get over my insecurity, i guess. The pics are really intense and I am not sure I am ready to share. Thank you for your understanding.
The following is major Do's and Don'ts that I feel will really help some of you out there.


1. Overdo any healing ointment, chapstick or cream. Remember your skin needs to heal and in order to do that you must sometimes be cautious about the frequency of your applications. Once or twice a day is enough moisture.

2. Always moisten your lips using water or any other liquids. The white gunk appears when your lips are wet or moist, making it prone to removal or wear and tear. Remember the white gunk is actually skin that needs to stay on your lips. When your lips are wet the skin becomes more fragile, so try to keep your lip skin dry as much as possible. This does not mean that you can't get water on your lips at all: brushing your teeth will make that happen anyway. Wash your hair in the sink to avoid getting your lips wet, especially if you suffer from dandruff from time to time. This will cut the risk of infecting your lips. In addition, follow the tips I mentioned on my previous entries.

3. Take pictures everyday. Although I recommend taking pictures to keep you motivated, taking pictures everyday can discourage you from continuing to heal yourself. You are healing even if you can't see it and taking pics everyday can get you easily frustrated. I recommend taking pics weekly to keep you motivated. Remember there are good days for your lips and really, really awful ones. You have to be prepared to not notice significant changes until 4-5 months onto your healing journey. This doesn't mean that some people wont witness something different, but prepare yourself for this fact. This is not to say that you lips will not start to feel better, but it will be a while for you to notice significant changes.

4. This is obvious, but do not continue to peel your lips. This will only prolong your EC journey. If you are reading this, it means that you know better. It is up to you to start making changes to heal yourself. Peeling is easy because it makes it less obvious for other people to notice your lips, but you are suffering inside. Your lips are on fire. Start living for you. Let people know about your condition and continue this journey. People will forget you had EC after you heal it, trust me. I sometimes forget I ever had it ( a blessing).

5. Be hard on yourself. It is OK that you sometimes are so frustrated that you decide to peel. Forgive yourself! It is understandable. Just make sure to try and put your best foot forward for the days to come. I know it is hard, but this chunk of your life with EC has an expiration date, which means that you will one day forget this was ever bothering you!

On my next post I will include some DO's that will help in healing exfoliative chelities. I hope this helps someone. Dont forget to post a comment if you have any questions. You can also e-mail me if you have some more personal testimonies, questions or if you need advice.